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Database Solutions
Relational Databases lie at the heart of most software. Whether your project is an online store, a discussion forum or a standalone software application, it will almost certainly involve a database.

Databases allow you to store vast quantities of information in a structured and organised way, which allows you to search, manipulate and analyse it to produce the results you need. Done right, they can be powerful tools for improving efficiency. Getting the database wrong though, can lead to expensive and time consuming upgrade work in the future.

Our team are trained and experienced in a variety of database design methodologies including the preparation of entity – relationship diagrams, normalisation and the techniques to get rid of any redundant data. Whether the database is large or small (Oracle to MS Access) or of medium size MS SQL or My SQL, Windows or Linux based, we have the answer. We will work with you to accurately model the information needs of your organisation and design and implement a custom database application to help make your business more efficient.

Contact us now to learn more about how we can help you with database design and development!

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